Our Mission
Our mission at 553 Auto Body and Super Car Restoration is to perform the highest quality of work with a guaranteed date of completion. We produce high-quality restoration and collision repair by using only the best parts, materials, and equipment available. Our professional staff are lifelong learners and we continue to educate ourselves on new products and procedures to provide the highest quality service possible.

Doing What We Love
Here at 553 Auto Body and Super Car Restoration, we love what we do. We feel lucky and blessed to be able to support our families by doing what we are passionate about. It never gets old to see the looks on customers’ faces when they see that the work we’ve done exceeds their expectations. We sincerely hope that we can add you to our long list of satisfied customers soon!

Giving Back
It’s important to us to give back to the communities that have made our business such a success. We are proud members of Indiana Pa Rotary Club, the Eastern Westmoreland Career and Technology Center Advisory Committee, and the Indiana County Chamber of Commerce.
We proudly sponsor or support
the following local organizations:
- Clymer Little League
- Marion Center Little League
- Clymer Fire Department
- Commodore Fire Department
- Dixonville Moose
- Four Footed Friends
- Special Olympics
- Veterans Outreach
- Purchase Line Sports Booster
- Purchase Line Lions Club
- Penns Manor Area Cheer Squad
- Penns Manor High School Majorettes
- Penns Manor Little Comets
- Super Swing Baseball LLC